How Can I Help?

Contact Us
Donation Scheme

We are asking each family or friend involved in, or with an affinity to, the club to consider a donation of towards the development project. Any donation to this project will be very welcome and greatly appreciated.

We have arranged a number of ways in which you can make a donation, including options to make payments in monthly instalments via Clubforce, our secure online payments site.

Donations above €250 can qualify for a tax rebate enabling is to increase the value of your donation by up to 66%.

All donations over €1,000 will be recognised with a dedicated brick as part of our patrons wall as part of our ‘buy a brick’ initiative.

Tax Rebate Scheme Explained
Under Irish revenue rules, as an approved sports body, we can claim tax relief on donations made in relation to a project approved by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS).

When someone paying tax under the PAYE system makes a donation, it is considered to be net of tax. For example, if someone pays tax at 40%, a donation of €1,000 would be considered to be 60% of the donation.

The club can claim the tax on the donation directly from the Revenue Commissioners, thus increasing the value of this donation to €1,667. Similarly, if someone pays tax at 20% the €1,00 is considered as 80% of the donation.

In both cases, the club can claim the tax on the donation directly from the Revenue Commissioners.

Donation Scheme

We are asking each family or friend involved in, or with an affinity to, the club to consider a donation of towards the development project. Any donation to this project will be very welcome and greatly appreciated.

We have arranged a number of ways in which you can make a donation, including options to make payments in monthly instalments via Clubforce, our secure online payments site.

Donations above €250 can qualify for a tax rebate enabling is to increase the value of your donation by up to 66%.

All donations over €1,000 will be recognised with a dedicated brick as part of our patrons wall as part of our ‘buy a brick’ initiative.

Tax Rebate Scheme Explained
Under Irish revenue rules, as an approved sports body, we can claim tax relief on donations made in relation to a project approved by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS).

When someone paying tax under the PAYE system makes a donation, it is considered to be net of tax. For example, if someone pays tax at 40%, a donation of €1,000 would be considered to be 60% of the donation.

The club can claim the tax on the donation directly from the Revenue Commissioners, thus increasing the value of this donation to €1,667. Similarly, if someone pays tax at 20% the €1,00 is considered as 80% of the donation.

In both cases, the club can claim the tax on the donation directly from the Revenue Commissioners.

Corporate Packages

We are offering companies the opportunity to support the Dunboyne community and in turn reap the benefits of the large footfall our social media and club environs experience daily.

Our corporate team is available to discuss any expressions of interest in tailoring any corporate package to suit your budget. Features of our corporate packages can include –

  • Corporate signage at club car park
  • Prominent pitch hoarding
  • Advertisement placement on our club website
  • Facebook promotions on the club Facebook page

You can contact Barry Kelly on (086) 232 5706  or any member of the Club’s Executive. You can also contact us on our dedicated email if you have any queries.

Bank Transfer
  • Account: St. Peter’s GAA Club Development Account
  • Sort Code: 90-33-49
  • IBAN: IE 18 BOFI 9033 4982 9873 11

Please ensure that you include your name as reference as we record your contribution.

  • Cheques Payable to: St. Peter’s GAA Club Development Account
  • C/O Linda Kane, Club Treasurer
  • St. Peter’s GAA Club
  • Rooske Road
  • Dunboyne


Tax Relief Form

Complete the attached form and return to us.

Tax Relief Form

Brick Order Form

Order your brick today!

Brick Order Form

Payment Plans

Donate through our Secure Payment Partner – Clubforce

Choose from the following options:

  • 1 instalment
  • 4 instalments
  • 9 instalments
Click Here to Set Up

Our Development Plan

Progress to Date

Over the past number of years, we have been working to prepare and progress a Facilities Development Plan for our Club.


This plan is an essential response to enabling us to cater for the increasing numbers we have experienced in recent years. With an expected doubling in our playing numbers (to over 1500 players) over the coming 5 years, the delivery of this plan is a critical priority for us.

Work to this point has included extensive research with other clubs, the acquisition of lands for pitch development, plan design and tendering, putting licence agreements in place with our local schools to ensure access to our new facilities, securing planning permissions, the submission of grant applications to various bodies, and obtaining revenue approval for our fund-raising efforts.

Put simply, this plan represents the most significant investment in our Clubs long history and our intent is to deliver it to a standard in which we can all benefit and be proud of.


Progress to Date
Over the past number of years, we have been working to prepare and progress a Facilities Development Plan for our Club.


This plan is an essential response to enabling us to cater for the increasing numbers we have experienced in recent years. With an expected doubling in our playing numbers (to over 1500 players) over the coming 5 years, the delivery of this plan is a critical priority for us.

Work to this point has included extensive research with other clubs, the acquisition of lands for pitch development, plan design and tendering, putting licence agreements in place with our local schools to ensure access to our new facilities, securing planning permissions, the submission of grant applications to various bodies, and obtaining revenue approval for our fund-raising efforts.

Put simply, this plan represents the most significant investment in our Clubs long history and our intent is to deliver it to a standard in which we can all benefit and be proud of.


Next Steps
We achieved a very significant step on our journey to deliver our vision as we secured significant government funding toward the development of our Academy Centre and all-weather playing pitch.


This is a major milestone which now presents us with an incredible, and unique, opportunity to deliver best-in-class and acutely needed infrastructure for the benefit of our growing club and community.

However, as a club we have a fundraising requirement of €650,000 to make toward this plan and access grant funding. We will not be in a position to access grant funding until we achieve our contribution.

Based on progress to date, we need to achieve a further €150,000 in donations in order to reach the necessary funding required to progress our plan.

Meeting this target, and in turn the delivery of our plan, will require the participation of all of us as club members. Recognising the significance of this figure, our aim is to try and facilitate contributions in as convenient and flexible way possible.

Further information on how you can support of this plan are outlined below.

We have created a detailed Development Brochure that explains the Project and the fundraising initiatives in greater detail.

The Final Push to Deliver our Plan

Cost of Plan (€)

Fundraising Campaign (€)

Remaining Fundraising Target (€)

Why? - Meeting the Needs of our Rapidly Growing Club and Community

Current Population

Projected Population 2025

Projected Population 2028

Projected Population 2030

Juvenile Players 2020

Juvenile Players 2023

Juvenile Players 2025

Juvenile Players 2030

These figures are based upon the Meath County Development Plan, which sees Dunboyne as having a population of 25,000 by 2033 and our Club growth predictions as seen over the last number of years and adjusted in line with expected population growth.

Contact Us for Further Information

Our Fundraising Team

  • Fergus McNulty – (087) 237 6859

  • Barry Kelly – (086) 232 5706

  • Brian Howlin – (086)774 8319

  • Ronán O’Doherty – (087) 223 1061

  • Gillian Reilly – (086) 812 1456

  • Kevin McKeon – (087) 257 4425

  • Garbhán Blake – (086) 881 6386